
Implementation strategies

건강하고 안전한 행복한 일터 구현 / 안전ㆍ보건관리 체계 구축 -지속가능한 안전경영 기반 구축 -근로자 중심 안전근무환경 조성 / 안전사고 예방역량 강화 -촘촘한 안전점검 프로그램 운영 -임직원 안전보건관리 의식 제고 / 건강위험 예방 -임직원 건강 증진활동 강화 -방역지침 등 정부지침 준수

Activities for safety & health management

  • Creation of implementation plan for safety & health management and disaster manual
  • Conducting of monthly safety/health inspections (safety: twice per month, health: once per month (on-site visit))
  • Operation of quarterly safety/health education and health-promoting activity for employees

Charter of Safety Management

Charter of

  • First, we abide by safety rules in all areas of society—the home, neighborhood, school, and workplace—and actively pursue safety in the daily setting.
  • Second, we created a comprehensive safety plan that guarantees the basic right to safety of all Gyeonggi residents, as investing in safety is our highest priority.
  • Third, we cooperate with each of our stakeholders in all activities undertaken for the proliferation of a safety-based culture.
  • Fourth, we foster industrial safety and health by creating safe and hygienic work environments for our employees.
  • Fifth, we engage in safety-first management practices and strive to eliminate risk factors to prevent accidents.


